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Executive Coaching

There are a few unique things about the way I approach coaching.  First of all, I consider the client in a coaching engagement to be the "boss" of the person being coached.  This means I'm working as a partner to the person who will be doing the on-the-job coaching work.  Second, my approach is very data oriented.  Up front, I do an extensive set of interviews with 12-15 stakeholders who can provide a rich perspective on the person being coached.  Finally, I use this same data collection method to gauge progress along the way, and to determine what progress we've made over the engagement.


On other key item: unlike many coaches, I'm not looking to build up a long term book of clients.  My goal is to work quickly, precisely, and effectively - and then get on with business.  So an average coaching engagement for me is about four months long.


Establish Baseline
"Where we ARE NOW"

  • Conduct "fact finding" 360 interviews with 12-15 key stakeholders

  • Summary of findings prepared for client and his/her boss


Determine Goals
“what to work on”

  • Face to face meeting to review summary report

  • Meet with boss to agree on top priorities and metrics

  • Draft leadership goals and road map for our efforts


coaching SESSIONS
“work the process”

  • Approximately 60 minute video calls (Zoom, google, Teams, etc.)

  • Structured series of topics, readings, exercises and discussions

  • Mid-point calibration: brief call with boss, quick phone survey of stakeholders, update self-assessment

  • Compare data to baseline; gauge progress and tweak as needed


Wrapping up
“have we delivered”

  • Quick calls with stakeholders to identify changes

  • Present summary of stakeholder perspectives

  • Meet with boss to discuss changes

  • Hand over leadership development plan to boss for ongoing work

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